I guess I never should have suggested that my husband try to lose weight for his new year’s resolution in 2020. Four years, his doctor has been asking him to drop some pounds so he could take some pressure off of his old heart. For years, he has been ignoring his doctor and living a sedentary lifestyle. Well, at the end of 2019 I finally convinced him to get serious about his health and to join a gym in the new year. He did, but apparently he enjoyed the gym a little too much. In fact, he got especially spoiled using the sauna that they offered. About three months into his new gym routine and sauna obsession, the pandemic hit. Now, he hasn’t been able to go to the gym or the sauna for months. Instead, he got the bright idea that he should create his own sauna in our master bath. He said it would be super easy, and he only needed a few space heaters to do the job. First, he went into the bathroom and plugged up all of the air vents so that our powerful air conditioning system couldn’t pump any cold air into his warm space. Then, he pulled a few space heaters out of the attic and plugged them in on the highest setting in the bathroom. He closed the door and he ran the shower as boiling hot as it would go. After that, it was a matter of time. He would sit in his hot and humid environment, insisting that it was helping him to get healthier and lose weight. I didn’t want to discourage his semi healthy behavior, but at a certain point he was doing more damage than good. Not only was he using up extra electricity to heat the bathroom and re-cool the house afterwards, but he was turning our bathroom into a mildew farm. Maybe the sauna feels good for him, but the black spots and lingering humidity in our bathroom don’t feel healthy to breath.