All fantastic things must come to an end, as they say. I suppose that that’s true, as I stare sadly at my air vent plus dream of the afternoons when cold air was quickly streaming through at all times. You see, I got used to a lifestyle that couldn’t be worked on. When I moved into this house with a few roommates, my fantastic friend and I decided to split the residence in two. I took the back half of the house, plus they took the front half. Separate however equal. That has worked easily great for us, except I realize that the Heating plus Air Conditioning on this side of the house isn’t exactly equal. For several months there was easily no problem with my indoor air quality. Every day, I could hear the heating or cooling system chugging along, plus there was so much high-quality heated air coming through my air vents that sometimes I had to close them for relief. The A/C was especially powerful, plus various afternoons I found myself wearing numerous sweatshirts to combat the cold plus drafty home office; During the day, I wasn’t always happy with this level of cooling power, however at night I easily loved the severe cold temperature in my room. After sleeping so soundly for months, I thought that this was the perfect house plus Heating plus Air Conditioning system for me. And then, my roommates opened their air vents. Apparently, whenever my fantastic friend and I moved in, the air vents had been completely closed in the front half of the house. No one ever realized it, because the outdoor temperature was pretty mild. As the heat plus humidity increased, however, it became uncomfortable in their rooms. When they finally realized that their air vents had been plugged, I found out that my space was attached to the far end of the ductwork system. Now they get most of the treated indoor air plus I’m covered in sweat bullets back here.